Autogenic training (AT) and progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) are both medical relaxation techniques designed to reduce tension and relax the body and mind.They involve guided relaxations during which individuals are gently led into a deeply relaxed state.In progressive muscle relaxation, this is achieved by tensing and relaxing muscles; in autogenic training, by promoting feelings of calm and relaxation in your body.Everyday stresses, environmental stress and ill health are increasingly creating more and more strain for people,while modern life simultaneously offers increasingly few opportunities to slow down and relax.These medical relaxation techniques are powerful tools for reducing stress, building resilience and improving the capacity to deal better with stress.They also boost self-confidence and motivation.By practising these medical relaxation techniques, we are giving ourselves some time to be still and relax, and to return to our own centre through the guidance provided, which has a positive effect on our health.Why medical?We have included this term to highlight the fact that the health-promoting and therapeutic effect of these techniques, when practised regularly, is scientifically backed.
They can help reduce:
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AT is the more traditional of these relaxation techniques and is a form of self-hypnosis.To start with, people are taught a simple form of self-hypnosis.
By concentrating on a number of formulaic statements, attention is directed to the body and relaxation is achieved by means of autosuggestion.
Learning the six steps will allow you to calm autonomic nervous system functions such as breathing, heart rate and that of the digestive system.
This induces a state of very deep relaxation in which it is possible to access the unconscious and replace negative thought patterns with new, positive ones.
By guiding us to focus our minds, AT has a calming effect on the whole body and mind. The more AT is practised, the more a person will be able to achieve deep states of relaxation themselves.
When it comes to birth, this capacity to relax can make it much easier to give birth and hence speed up the entire birthing process.
Progressive muscle relaxation is based on alternating between tensing and relaxing different muscle groups.By focussing on the more subtle sensations in the body while doing so, a person can enter into a very deep state of physical and mental relaxation.
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